Genetic Genealogist

My Living DNA result has arrived

There is nothing more exciting than getting an email to say “results are in”.  I tested with Living DNA back in early November and it’s been a long wait for results.  On first look I have to say their results were well worth waiting for.  Living DNA is another DNA testing site that genealogists, and people with an interest in their heritage, are testing with to get a breakdown of where their relatively recent family come from.  My Living DNA say that their test provides a genetic history going back approximately 6 generations.  To cut a long story short (and to avoid a lot of technical and genetic detail) they basically compare my DNA to thousands of other individuals around the world.

OK let’s take a look my results … like other testing sites (I’ve tested with Ancestry, ftdna, and 23andMe) it seems I am very British. 88% British according to Living DNA.

This ties up quite nicely with my test results from Ancestry, where I was 90% British and Irish

But here’s the exciting part of the Living DNA test, they breakdown the test into regions within Britain.   I was very pleasantly surprised to find this matches pretty well to the paper trail research that I’ve undertaken over many many years.

So I decided to go through the Living DNA breakdown and looked at how that matched up to my known family tree.

I started by looking at where my great grandparents lines originated, at least back as far as I’ve been able to currently research (mostly back to around late 1600s) .  I put together a quick list of where each great grandparent was known to come from.


Once I had that done i tried to line this up with the breakdown from Living DNA.   This is what the result looks like when I open up the regions in the Living DNA dashboard.

From here I tried to match my known paper trail regions across to the Living DNA list.  I’ve not really looked at percentages in any details yet, but they “feel” right in many cases.

There is an elephant in the room!  What on earth is the 12% Tuscany?   This is completely unknown to me, and there is no Italian DNA coming up in any other test.  So like all genetic genealogy, some more pieces of the puzzle are in place, but there is a lot more to do and more questions arising.  I have to say I’ve found this a fascinating exercise.

One of the other tests that Living DNA do is the mtDNA and if you are male they will also give you a Y DNA haplogroup too.  The mtDNA result from Living DNA is H3 and this exactly the haplogroup I already knew from both 23andMe and also ftDNA’s specific mtDNA test.

There are also some funky looking migration maps and a few links that are not yet working.  Living DNA did note that as I am in one of the first batches of tests … that they will be adding more information and updating results as more tests are done.  Looking forward to this!



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