
“Cyber Sale” – Check the site for details currently £49 Plus Shipping. Offer ends 29 November 2021 11:59pm
Check at Amazon as deals there also and they may exclude shipping – Currently £49, no shipping for Prime members.

Sales on their Ancestry +Traits test and the Health + Ancestry test
Note that 23andMe now offer UK members their 23andMe+ Service, this includes additional health reporting (currently £19/year – no discounts). Limit 3 kits. Offer ends 29 November 2021
Check at Amazon who also sell 23andMe but currently showing at full price

“Black Friday DNA Sale” – kits are £39 and free shipping if buying 2 or more kits.
Sales ends “soon”
Family Tree DNA (ftDNA)

Various Black Friday sale prices on Family Ancestry (“Family Finder” Autosomal DNA test), Maternal Ancestry (mtDNA), Paternal Ancestry (Y DNA – biological male only test)
Note: prices at ftDNA are USD

Y DNA sale (Paternal Ancestry). Note this is the surname line, the unbroken patrilineal line.

Bundles at ftDNA

Upgrades at ftDNA. If you’ve already purchased at test, then you can upgrade it to an additional test without sending a new sample in

Note: All prices at ftDNA are in US Dollars